• Piramida---strana-Akcija

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Politicians, food processing operators and retailers, producers and consumers, all affect implementation of animal welfare standards, depending on their place in the “pyramid of power”. Only if all actors are included in the process of introducing animal welfare standards, it is possible to ensure healthy and safe product for the consumers, profit for the farmer and the retailer and the better quality of life for farm animals – it is possible to provide WELFARE FOR ALL. HOW CONSUMERS INFLUENCE BETTER ANIMAL WELFARE? “Every time you spend money, you’re casting a vote for the kind of world you want” (Anna Lappe) Consumers are a driving force of change when it comes to keeping and rearing farm animals, they are a foundation of the “pyramid of power”. Consumers shape markets. We, as the consumers, have a special strength and a responsibility – to carefully choose what food products we are willing to pay money for, because in that way we contribute to shaping food supply in supermarkets and influence the welfare of animals raised for food. If we choose to support producers who are complying with animal welfare standards and purchase their products, we shall not only eat better quality food, but also bring better quality of life for thousands of animals currently living on farms in Serbia. Everybody is a consumer. That means that each of us hold the key for improving welfare of farm animals in Serbia. HOW FARMERS CARE ABOUT ANIMAL WELFARE? Better safe than sorry In order to provide good welfare for animals he keeps, owner or keeper have to be knowledgeable about the needs of the particular species as well as to know that different animal species have different needs. Useful advice on how to prevent deterioration of the welfare of your animals:

  • Visit and observe your animals on a regular basis. With regular visits, you will be able to better familiarize with your animals and notice the patterns in their behaviour. That way it will be easier for you to recognize changes in their behaviour and their welfare.
  • Check food, water and access to shelter on a regular basis.
  • Learn to recognize general signs of pain and distress in your animals.
  • Handle animals in a way that doesn’t cause them distress and pain.
  • Get your animals used to the separation of their group and to contact with people in order to decrease level of fear of isolation and human contact.
  • Handle your animals carefully during unpleasant livestock procedures in order to decrease negative effects of these procedures as well as negative associations that animals may develop in relation to the procedures and people involved.
  • Seek expert advice. Consult your veterinarian when needed and your agricultural advisor in order to improve health and welfare of your animals – their accommodation, nutrition and everyday care.

Always bear in mind the rule of “Five Freedoms”, because it can serve you as a useful guide on how to assess the welfare of farm animals in your care.