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Connecting the members of the market chain
During the project “Welfare for all” ORCA has informed retailers and food producing operators about the way in which improving animal welfare can contribute to quality and safety of food. We have also informed them about consumers’ attitudes in the relation to the same topic as well as about the results of the cost-effectiveness analysis of the implementation of the higher farm animal welfare standards in livestock production.
Expert conference on animal welfare at the Agricultural Fair in Novi Sad is a central visibility activity of the project. Agricultural fair is the biggest and the most visited agricultural event in Serbia. Partners and associates on the project have attended the conference, and also representatives of the state and local authority, farmers and their organisations, retailers, food-processing operators and media as well.
The results of the researches conducted during the project have been presented at the conference as well as the further steps to be taken in order to provide meat, milk and eggs produced in line with ORCA farm animal welfare standards. Prominent experts in fields of agricultural economy and animal welfare have spoken at the conference, while foreign speakers have transferred European experience in introducing farm animal welfare in livestock production.